viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Why Smart Regions? New research.

Advancing the relationship between human capital and technological efficiency to smart regions.

First results presented at the 58th ERSA Congress by the ICRG group, at the University of Cork (Ireland) in August.

Title: An analysis of the relationships between human and technological development to smart European regions

Authors: ICRG (Dr. López, Dr. Nevado and Dr.Alfaro).


  • Analysis of the relationship between the capacities of the citizens of a region and their effective technological development, essential in the advancement of Smart Regions.
  • The study covers the NUTS2 regions of Europe with official information available in Eurostat and as a complement to data on cities. data for 18 countries 2014 (BE-8, BG-6, CZ-8, DK-4, DE-22, EE-1, IE-1, ES-19, FR-21, HR-2, LV-1, LT-1, PL-16, SI-2, FI-4, SE-6, UK-2, No-5) and 129 regions. 
  • Indicators of human capital and technology are generated, building synthetic indicators.

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