lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

ICRG: Jornadas Hispano Lusas (Benidorm 2017)

February 2017 (Benidorm, University of Alicante): ICRG

ICRG presents a new report, title: "Ranking en capital intelectual para ciudades españolas: situación de Castilla-La Mancha" in 27th Conference Hispano-Lusas. Main conclusion of this study: Castilla La Mancha Region has a excelent human skills and good quality of life, but infraestructure and dimension of cities need improve.

Contact us for more details.

New article in Journal indexed (D1 JCR): CITIES

  NOW it's published 10, July. Accepted new article in CITIES . 15, July, Published - Volume 153, October 2024, 105284