martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

ICRG New index applied to cities

Sustainability Capital Index applied to cities is a new publication of ICRG-UCLM in the prestigious Journal Sustainability, in Open Access. You can read it now.


Urban sustainability is a key factor that must be considered at the local level, however, there are few studies that consider sustainability using the triple bottom line approach and apply it to a large number of cities. In this paper, we develop a sustainability city index based on the triple bottom line using an intellectual capital approach that attempts to solve the negative aspects identified in the main indices proposed in the existing literature, such as the use of: subjective weightings, an arithmetic average or index that is not comparable. Here, we have used information available in the Urban Audit database for 2009. The results for 158 cities in 24 European countries show that the cities with the best positions are in the northern European countries. German cities occupied the best positions in the three dimensions of sustainability, albeit with a slightly worse performance in the social dimension. Moreover, the proposal index is consistent, without redundancy among the variables considered in the three dimensions.

Full text

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Premio ARQUICMA 2017 a Domingo Nevado

El martes día 16 era reconocido por ARQUICMA en Puertollano nuestro investigador y Co-Director Dr. Domingo Nevado, por toda su trayectoria científica y nde gestión, destacando por su participación en el Máster de Técnico Superior de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales de la UCLM en Puertollano en sus ediciones V, VI y VII en temas de economía de seguridad y normalización.


lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

ICRG: Jornadas Hispano Lusas (Benidorm 2017)

February 2017 (Benidorm, University of Alicante): ICRG

ICRG presents a new report, title: "Ranking en capital intelectual para ciudades españolas: situación de Castilla-La Mancha" in 27th Conference Hispano-Lusas. Main conclusion of this study: Castilla La Mancha Region has a excelent human skills and good quality of life, but infraestructure and dimension of cities need improve.

Contact us for more details.

OICV presenta su informe 2024 en un simposio nacional en diciembre

  El próximo mes de diciembre compartiremos los resultados con todos vosotros, por el momento ahí tenéis nuestro vídeo de presentación. El a...