sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2018

XLIV RER: ICRG, working in Smart Regions.

Valencia, November 23, 2018.


New advances by ICRG

In this work, it is considered as a relationship between the capacities of the citizens of a region and their effective technological development, essential in the consolidation of smart cities or regions. In this way, these two elements are the most important in regional planning, so we analyze the existing convergence between the capacities of citizens and technological development for a region. Specifically, the NUTS 2 regions in Spain are analyzed with official information available in Eurostat.

Human capital is fundamental for the development of a country or a region. However, this human capital is a very broad variable that exists in the literature in different studies on what factors are the determinants of it. Particularly noteworthy is the consideration of educational achievements but also the importance of education depends on the period and geographical area under analysis, that is, the variables are not directly related to this factor: human capital.

Also Dra. Nuria Huete presented a work in advances in tourism sector, applied to Segobriga Case.
The profile of the cultural tourist and his needs were addressed in this article.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Why Smart Regions? New research.

Advancing the relationship between human capital and technological efficiency to smart regions.

First results presented at the 58th ERSA Congress by the ICRG group, at the University of Cork (Ireland) in August.

Title: An analysis of the relationships between human and technological development to smart European regions

Authors: ICRG (Dr. López, Dr. Nevado and Dr.Alfaro).


  • Analysis of the relationship between the capacities of the citizens of a region and their effective technological development, essential in the advancement of Smart Regions.
  • The study covers the NUTS2 regions of Europe with official information available in Eurostat and as a complement to data on cities. data for 18 countries 2014 (BE-8, BG-6, CZ-8, DK-4, DE-22, EE-1, IE-1, ES-19, FR-21, HR-2, LV-1, LT-1, PL-16, SI-2, FI-4, SE-6, UK-2, No-5) and 129 regions. 
  • Indicators of human capital and technology are generated, building synthetic indicators.

sábado, 13 de enero de 2018

Castilla-La Mancha Cities' Competitiveness


Castilla-La Mancha Cities' Competitiveness in Intellectual Capital as Compared to Other Spanish Cities

Domingo Nevado Peña, José Luis Alfaro Navarro, Víctor Raúl López Ruiz


Intellectual capital plays a central role in smart cities. The aim of this paper is to apply the recently developed model based on intellectual capital to measure and manage cities' competitiveness.
This model is applied to cities in Castilla-La Mancha and another 19 Spanish cities, enabling a
comparative analysis between these cities. To this end, the study presents a synthetic indicator that allows us to rank Spanish cities based on available information and propose a comprehensive management strategy that addresses both tangible and intangible competitiveness. From the results, it can be concluded that the cities of Castilla-La Mancha feature excellent human capacities and a good quality of life but that there is room for improvement in terms of city infrastructure and planning.

Articulo completo disponible /Open Access

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