miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008

Integral Analysis: A Real Decisional Support System

Integral Analysis was conceived as decisional support system in small companies, nevertheless, it is applicable to big ones.

This method contains different stages: financial economic situation description of the company; mensuration and value of the intangible assets as generators of profit future; control of the integral value of the company through the intellectual capital; and strategic planning with simulation to determine the most appropriate.

This way, it is a system of information renovated, that offers mensuration, control and planning.

As input, mainly, it is had the accountant system information, the internal reports, analysis of the competition, and surveys to workers, clients and suppliers. As output, a control system that allows the maneuver in the decision.

Finally, the computer supports are, basically, the spreadsheet and econometric software.

Next graph synthesizes the INTAN methodology.

Contact with us, for more information.

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