sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2020

New paper in Ethics

Sustainability 202012(21), 9268; https://doi.org/10.3390/su12219268

Happiness at work requires a good working environment, which undoubtedly improves productivity. In this sphere, the concept is closely related to job satisfaction, which is one of the main factors determining individual happiness, along with home ownership, security, and a healthy environment. Innovative policies to improve corporate well-being—organizational ethics—improve the image of the company, and help transfer the concept of ‘happy management’ to all stakeholders. In addition, remote working, which has become essential for many during the COVID-19 pandemic, poses a key issue in terms of human resource management that needs to be taken into account. Using a survey of working-age Spanish citizens, we established a measure of organizational ethics based on the possible discrepancy between citizens’ personal happiness and their happiness at work. The analysis focused on one of the essential economic sectors in the face of the pandemic, the financial sector. These workers demand organizational ethics with clear values in social responsibility and training, going beyond the achievement of a socially acceptable income. A comparative linear model is also used to test the relationships between a number of conditioning variables and organizational ethics. Citizens’/workers’ priorities are found to shift towards quality of life with a healthy environment, rather than sustainability.

martes, 7 de julio de 2020

Midiendo la Felicidad y Calidad de Vida

El grupo de investigación internacional en capital intelectual ICRG de la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, ahora se acerca a la sociedad para medir intangibles, para analizar la calidad de vida de sus ciudadanos con el Observatorio de Intangibles y Calidad de Vida (OICV). Con una trayectoria en estos estudios de sus directores de más de veinte años y una andadura científica como grupo de más de 10 nos preocupamos por indicadores sociales y económicos y su análisis a través de este observatorio y te recomendamos este primer formulario abierto de carácter nacional para mayores de 16 años. esperamos tu respuesta, después reportaremos públicamente los resultados de la misma, son y más de 600 españoles los que han contestado.

lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2019

ICRG in AECR-RSAI with QoL and Tourism

Two works was developed in AECR Congress (RSAI) last November in QoL and Tourism Topics.

"Midiendo la felicidad y la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos españoles" por Nuria Huete Alcocer; José Luis Alfaro Navarro; Víctor Raúl López Ruiz, y Domingo Nevado Peña (desigualdad, pobreza y territorio).

"Imagen del Quijote como intangible cultural y de transferencia para el desarrollo económico" por Nuria Huete Alcocer, Víctor Raúl López Ruiz (cultura, turismo y territorio).

Pueden descargarse en Actas del congreso 

jueves, 31 de octubre de 2019

International finding in the relationship of technology and quality of life


We review the concept and measurements of quality of life.
We analyse the relationships between quality of life and ICTs.
Use of new technologies and technological capacity are key in the citizens' development.
There is a clear relationship between technology and quality of life in European regions.
The digital citizen is happier and values living in regions with high technological capacity.

see Full-Text

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2019

Nuevo artículo del Grupo en IC

Sustainability Journal

An Intellectual Capital Approach to Citizens’ Quality of Life in Sustainable Cities: A Focus on Europe

López-Ruiz, V.-R.; Alfaro-Navarro, J.-L.; Nevado-Peña, D. 


The quality of life of citizens in a city is related to the sustainable decisions made by their leaders. By using principal component analysis (PCA) and taking an intellectual capital perspective (all sources of knowledge in human, relational and structural areas), we explore which of the three dimensions used to measure the sustainability of a city—economic, social or environmental—has the greatest effect on a subjective measurement of quality of life. We propose an econometric model based on a tangible production model to study the relationship between the quality of life and sustainability. To that end, we perform an in-depth examination of the different effects on the four dimensions that comprise the measure of the subjective quality of life: satisfaction, mobility, integration and public service. The results of the estimated model of citizens’ quality of life confirm the existence of a direct relationship for the 52 European cities under study; however, the least relevant role is played by the environmental dimension, which is still unappreciated by citizens. Conversely, the economic and social dimension are found to be determinants in all cases, except for social integration. Therefore, a key requirement of the management aimed at achieving sustainable development in European cities is to activate the environmental dimension.

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martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

Improving quality of life perception with ICT use and technological capacity in Europe

New article of ICRG in a Top Journal

Technological Forecasting and Social Change (IF:3.815; JCR19; Q1)
Happiness and Quality of Life

  • We review the concept and measurements of quality of life.
  • We analyse the relationships between quality of life and ICTs.
  • Use of new technologies and technological capacity are key in the citizens' development.
  • There is a clear relationship between technology and quality of life in European regions.
  • The digital citizen is happier and values living in regions with high technological capacity.


Quality of life is a key element in the sustainable development of countries, regions and cities. However, due to the difficulties involved in measuring it, there are no clear criteria as to which aspects of the economy should be enhanced in order to improve life conditions. In this respect, just as in the past literacy enabled human development and integration, these days, the use of new technologies and technological capacity are key elements that facilitate citizens' development. In this study, we use the information available in the Flash Eurobarometer 419 and Eurostat data on Information and Communications Technology to analyse the factors that Europeans consider key to achieving a better quality of life. We can thus see how the use of new technologies and technological capacity influence these factors. This analysis has been carried out at the highest level of disaggregation possible given the available information, and includes a total of 79 European NUTS 2 regions. The results reveal a clear relationship between technology and quality of life; the digital citizen is happier and values living in regions/cities with technological capacity, which invest in R&D, and which are committed to achieving sustainable growth.

Simposio nacional en calidad de vida CABIDA24: soledad no deseada y digitalización a examen

Tres décimas menos para nuestra calidad de vida en 2024. Los valores más altos se alcanzan en áreas rurales y ciudades no densamente poblada...