lunes, 13 de mayo de 2024

New article in 'Applied Research in Quality of Life'

Our new research is available in an international reference: Applied Research in Quality of Life (Q1-SSCI), with a supporting link from Springer Nature for full download and viewing. The observatory tests new relationships between quality of life and sustainability—don't miss out!

link accept manuscript version (open access):

link from Springer Nature:

Cite: Huete-Alcocer, N. ; López-Ruiz, V.-R. ; Alfaro-Navarro, J.L. and Nevado-Peña, D.  The Role of Environmental, Economic, and Social Dimensions of Sustainability in the Quality of Life in Spain. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2024 (Q1);


Environmental sustainability can positively affect quality of life by reducing environmental degradation and increasing access to natural resources, while economic sustainability initiatives can have both positive and negative impacts on quality of life, depending on the context. Social sustainability initiatives can also have both positive and negative impacts on quality of life, particularly for marginalized communities and low-income populations. The investigation draws on a comprehensive national survey in Spain encompassing 2,270 responses, ensuring representative profiles in terms of gender, residence, income, age, and economic sector. Considering the aforementioned factors, this research aims to underscore the necessity of recognizing the interconnections between sustainability and quality of life in policy and decision-making processes towards social happiness. To achieve this, an analysis of variance is presented, enabling the examination of significant differences in the sociodemographic characteristics of Spanish citizens across the three dimensions defining sustainability. Specifically, income, age and population size are key in determining the relationship between sustainability and social happiness. Furthermore, an econometric analysis has demonstrated a positive relationship between sustainability and quality of life in Spain. The key factors are safety, trust, income, and accessibility. The findings of this study can provide valuable insights to inform policy decisions aimed at promoting sustainability and enhancing the overall quality of life. The interlinked integration of smart cities and smart rural areas constitutes the quality of life zone that influences sustainability.

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2024

Campaña cuestionario de Felicidad Social 2024 OICV

Arranca la campaña 2024 sobre medición de calidad de vida y felicidad social para los residentes en España en 2024, desde el Observatorio de intangible y calidad de vida OICV pedimos su colaboración y planteamos el reto 5x5, cinco minutos para contestar nuestro cuestionario y cinco contactos de sus redes con quien compartir la encuesta, si es posible con residencia en una comunidad autónoma diferente a la suya. Necesitamos el mayor número de respuestas para lograr un análisis veraz de nuestra sociedad. Gracias por tu tiempo, sé feliz.

Enlace del cuestionario:

QR del cuestionario:

Video con enlace y reto, reel.

Ayúdanos a investigar, esperamos TÚ Respuesta y la de TUS contactos! 5x5

Simposio nacional en calidad de vida CABIDA24: soledad no deseada y digitalización a examen

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