miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

ICRG in Portugal

ICRG introduces a job in The 26th Portuguese-Spanish Conference on Scientific Management (Escola Superior de Gestão, of the Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco), entitled "Exploratory analysis on indicators for the index supported knowledge cities: Spain versus Castilla-La Mancha."

Among the goals, we demonstrate that being cities with low income relative to GDP per capita, are located around the city type in some dimensions, and below in others. We found clear correlation between the ability to generate intangible, and the wealth of the territory.

Simposio nacional en calidad de vida CABIDA24: soledad no deseada y digitalización a examen

Tres décimas menos para nuestra calidad de vida en 2024. Los valores más altos se alcanzan en áreas rurales y ciudades no densamente poblada...