martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

New directions in Models applied to cities

In Bratislava (ERSA 2012 Congress) ICRGroup present new directions to applied models on intellectual capital to cities.

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

Measuring Human Capital

ICR Group have developed a methodology to measure your human capital (own, company, region, state) through indicators. If you have interesting, please contact with us.

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

New directions on Intellectual Capital

Next April, ICRG will be present at ECIC 2012 (Helsinki) with two works where we present a new model for measuring intellectual capital cities and a poster on a new line of research to measure intangible liabilities. Share your thoughts...

Simposio nacional en calidad de vida CABIDA24: soledad no deseada y digitalización a examen

Tres décimas menos para nuestra calidad de vida en 2024. Los valores más altos se alcanzan en áreas rurales y ciudades no densamente poblada...