martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

Measuring Human Capital

ICR Group have developed a methodology to measure your human capital (own, company, region, state) through indicators. If you have interesting, please contact with us.

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

New directions on Intellectual Capital

Next April, ICRG will be present at ECIC 2012 (Helsinki) with two works where we present a new model for measuring intellectual capital cities and a poster on a new line of research to measure intangible liabilities. Share your thoughts...

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

News in intellectual capital models

ICRGroup is working to show that intelectual capital is a hidden wealth that it is correlated with growth economic. We are running a new international econometric panel data model. Results will be published in new year.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

ICRG in 3ECIC Nicosia (Cyprus)

ICRG shows a new work on 3ECIC (Cyprus), where we analyse IC for 72 countries between 2000 and 2008, some conclusions:

National intellectual capital is a divergence factor in terms of economic growth in the 2000 decade, therefore if we use this measure of wealth in a nation the difference between countries will be higher.

Intellectual capital allows anticipating the economic crisis beginning in 2008. In this sense, we can emphasize the important of the human capital in the economic situation in 2008. It shows that governments have to make more attacks in these aspects.

More information in 3ECIC proceedings

lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

Intellectual Capital Research Group

Intellectual Capital Research Group is born.

This research group centres on aspects that related to the measurement and valuation of intangible assets in companies, sectors, regions or countries.

His components report his works in these topics. On the other hand, they aspire to develop an international network of experts and researches in this topic.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

ECIC 2010 - Lisbon March

In Lisbon, we present results and comparisons on intellectual capital for countries in European Congress on Intellectual Capital (ECIC 2010).

Main contributions were:

  • In economics, it is becoming increasingly necessary to consider aspects that go beyond production to measure the national wealth.

  • In the last years, researches have carried out IC models.

  • Generally speaking, differences exist with respect to the indicators used and dimensions into which intellectual capital must be divided. However, the practical results obtained by these models yield very similar conclusions. Therefore, it would be desirable to obtain an approach to a model that captures the advantages and disadvantages of each, in order to extrapolate it.

  • Results confirm that the gap of intangible capital is divergent, that is to say, that the rich countries are more prosperous in knowledge and manage this asset more efficiently.

  • Finally, in terms of visible plus non visible wealth, the comparison in per capita terms shows a map in which the great areas of world-wide development remain the same, although with greater variations in said zones. The countries with the highest level of hidden intangibles can be found in the north and centre Europe, followed by the United States and Japan.

Models compared were:

World Bank, Bontis, Yeh-Yun Lin & Edvinsson and our model.

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