jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

ECIC 2010 - Lisbon March

In Lisbon, we present results and comparisons on intellectual capital for countries in European Congress on Intellectual Capital (ECIC 2010).

Main contributions were:

  • In economics, it is becoming increasingly necessary to consider aspects that go beyond production to measure the national wealth.

  • In the last years, researches have carried out IC models.

  • Generally speaking, differences exist with respect to the indicators used and dimensions into which intellectual capital must be divided. However, the practical results obtained by these models yield very similar conclusions. Therefore, it would be desirable to obtain an approach to a model that captures the advantages and disadvantages of each, in order to extrapolate it.

  • Results confirm that the gap of intangible capital is divergent, that is to say, that the rich countries are more prosperous in knowledge and manage this asset more efficiently.

  • Finally, in terms of visible plus non visible wealth, the comparison in per capita terms shows a map in which the great areas of world-wide development remain the same, although with greater variations in said zones. The countries with the highest level of hidden intangibles can be found in the north and centre Europe, followed by the United States and Japan.

Models compared were:

World Bank, Bontis, Yeh-Yun Lin & Edvinsson and our model.

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010


69th International Atlantic Economic Conference. Prague, Czech Republic
In this case we present an international study for 82 countries, as conclusions:

  • We have proposed an indicator of intellectual capital that picks up factors with great influence on economic growth not captured by GDP.

  • We have used efficiency index to group countries in accordance with the level of development.

  • Structural factor (image, processes, technology…) are the most closely related to the wealth of a country.

  • Human capital does not contribute significatly to economic growth.

  • Countries that produce most good and services are the highest in intangible value.

  • The differences between the first and last country in terms of GDP is smaller then the gap in terms of intellectual capital.

  • Factor more important are structural.

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

Migration and Intellectual Capital

In Porto (4th APDR Workshop – “Immigration and Development”), we study the relationship between intellectual capital in EU27 and migrations.
As results intellectual capital components relationed with net migration are:
• Labor market management (Human capital).
• Image of the country (external and internal) in social and economic perspective (Structural capital).

We incorporate a 'comprehensive' vision of development and national wealth. The results translate in major differences in total wealth terms that of visible wealth between the European countries.
Migrations go to richest countries, also in intangible, before that developing countries. This way, a divergent scene is confirmed, in the human capital and wealth.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

We present a international Model of Intellectual Capital in Firenze

2009 September, Firenze

The results for EU countries indicate that Northern Europe has greater intellectual capital potential. This result explains why these countries are more productive, as they manage and apply new technologies better. On the human capital side, Eastern European countries have strong potential. The inhabitants of these countries have a good level of professional training, whereas ICT are not used as efficiently as in Northern European countries.

Moreover, we must highlight the favourable position of countries that have recently acceded to the EU, in terms of intellectual capital, one of the main drivers of economic development in any given country. This situation indicates great potential for growth as well as stability, notice of which should be taken mainly by Southern Europe, in light of the low level of existing intangible capital.

martes, 3 de marzo de 2009

Integral Analysis as Information System of Knowledge of territories

We are working in development the Integral Analysis (INTAN) as a new tool for estimate 'new wealth of the territories': knowledge.

With this Information System supported in indicators and economic variables, we are estimating the Intellectual Capital of a space (nation, region or city) and we are knowing this value for strategic planning, control of public policies or comparisons between spaces.

Now, it is possible to know that possibilities, in human and structural knowledge growth, offer an area for the rest of the world.

As example, we show two charts with ten better NUTS EU15 in estructural and human capitals (year 2002).

Source: López, Nevado y Baños, (2008). Eure Review, 101.

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2009

New Book in Intellectual Capital

Medición y Valoración del Capital Intelectual

Dentro de la colección EOI Tecnología e Innovación, los profesores Viloria, Nevado y López tratan de avanzar en el estudio de las metodologías de medición y valoración de los activos intangibles empresariales; para ello, parten de una recopilación y síntesis de los métodos de valoración de empresas e intangibles para terminar proponiendo un modelo de medición y valoración del capital intelectual que integra tres perspectivas: la perspectiva contable; la perspectiva matemática o generadora de indicadores; y la perspectiva econométrica basada en técnicas de regresión.
Este libro viene a representar, pues, un paso adelante en el desarrollo de técnicas y metodologías de valoración del capital intelectual, cuya culminación futura debería ser el establecimiento de estándares que faciliten la valoración y el consiguiente reflejo contable de este importante activo empresarial.

Incluye un estudio piloto sobre empresas referentes en el sector servicios.
ANEXO: el pasado 28 de Mayo fue presentado por los autores ante un foro de expertos en intangibles en el Club EOI (Madrid).
Ver video de presentación en: http://www.vimeo.com/5636619

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008

Integral Analysis: A Real Decisional Support System

Integral Analysis was conceived as decisional support system in small companies, nevertheless, it is applicable to big ones.

This method contains different stages: financial economic situation description of the company; mensuration and value of the intangible assets as generators of profit future; control of the integral value of the company through the intellectual capital; and strategic planning with simulation to determine the most appropriate.

This way, it is a system of information renovated, that offers mensuration, control and planning.

As input, mainly, it is had the accountant system information, the internal reports, analysis of the competition, and surveys to workers, clients and suppliers. As output, a control system that allows the maneuver in the decision.

Finally, the computer supports are, basically, the spreadsheet and econometric software.

Next graph synthesizes the INTAN methodology.

Contact with us, for more information.

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