miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

ICRG in Italy

We present the paper: "Strategic analysis of intellectual capital through external indicators and applied to Spanish companies" (6th European Conference on Knowledge Management - ECKM 2015 The University of Udine, Italy). 
This job is being developed as a line of research in the Intellectual Capital Research Group (ICRG) with funding of Castilla-La Mancha regional proyect.
Ø Paradigm: Today’s information society is characterized by the growing importance of assets or intangible assets. Nevertheless, estimating intellectual capital has for the most part been carried out from an internal perspective, with very few cases of an external analysis.
Ø Main goal: is to approximate a value for intellectual capital using external indicators. Accordingly, we determine a set of indicators that best represent the components of intellectual capital. This paper also aims to determine if the most efficient companies in terms of external economic and financial efficiency indicators better manage their intellectual capital by comparing the relation between a company’s book value and its intangibles.

Ø Application: the working hypothesis is tested against a large sample of Spanish companies.

lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

ICRG desarrolla un Curso de Verano en la UCLM.

ICRG Summer Course in UCLM.

Bajo el título: "La gestión de Intangibles para la innovación empresarial y el emprendimiento" los días 9 y 10 de Julio en el Campus de Albacete propuso un total de siete ponencias y dos mesas redondas. Con un total de 11 profesionales (consultores, directivos, y formadores) y 3 Profesores Universitarios se estructuró una oferta acerca de los diferentes intangibles, su medición, gestión y experiencias en dirección, innovación y emprendimiento.

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014


Coming soon will be published on new knowledge based city index, developed by the Group (ICRG) for 78 European cities, which was presented in Istanbul last September (6th World Knowledge Cities Summit).

martes, 20 de agosto de 2013


Knowledge City Index is generated to European Cities. We present first result in Istambul, next September.

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

ICRGroup offer

We offer a integral program of assistant for your business (management, continous valuation, measurement, intangibles, human resources). Please, for more detail and custum management, contact with us.

We offer also, courses or conferences in management, intangibles, control, information systems,... contact with us.

jueves, 3 de enero de 2013

New work in human capital at macro level

We are working in new evidence about the relationships between human capital and wealth for seventy two countries in the world.
Human capital is estimated, in monetary per capita terms, from intellectual capital approach. Human capital is divided in two capitals. First, internal human capital: it is based in education investment, and external human capital: it is supported in remittances and people attracted from rest of the world due labour market conditions.

Both perspectives are analyzed as factor of wealth in a regression where these are significant, relevant and variables accord of level of GDP. Conclusions about implications for actual time of crisis are obtained.

Simposio nacional en calidad de vida CABIDA24: soledad no deseada y digitalización a examen

Tres décimas menos para nuestra calidad de vida en 2024. Los valores más altos se alcanzan en áreas rurales y ciudades no densamente poblada...